What is the Property Tax Assistance Program?
The Property Tax Assistance Program (PTAP) is a group that assists qualifying seniors or those with a documented permanent disability with onetime financial assistance of partial or full payment of current homeowner property taxes. To be eligible, you must have a temporary or emergency need for assistance and not a chronic inability to pay. Please note that PTAP does not pay any taxes in arrears. Additionally, PTAP provides connections to resources to assist in helping clients pay future taxes. The funds that support PTAP are provided through a limited donation source and a temporary county grant.
Who can apply for Property Tax Assistance Program?
Applicants must be age 60 years or older or be able to provide documentation of permanent disability. The applicant must pay taxes directly to the county treasurer and not through escrow. The property must be owned and occupied by the applicant as their primary residence. The applicant must only own one property.
Applicant must have a household income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level at the time when the applicant applies and not have more than $10,000 in cash or readily available resources that can be accessed without paying a penalty.
This chart shows the household income for 200 percent of the federal poverty level:
How do I apply?
You may apply by completing the online application, downloading a PDF application, or contacting the Franklin County Auditor's office at (614) 525-4663. To access the online or paper PDF application, please click "Continue to Application" at the bottom of the screen. If you are printing a paper application, completed and signed applications should be submitted by email to PTAP@franklincountyohio.gov or by mail to Franklin County Auditor, 373 S. High St., 21st Fl., Columbus, OH 43215.
You must apply by the 3rd Friday of November and April for first and second half. First half applications are due November 15, 2024, and second half applications are due April 18, 2025. The committee may consider late applicants if an emergency such as loss or addition of a household member, job loss, or medical emergency that occurs after this deadline but at least 30 days before the tax deadline. After the initial application, applicants must complete an interview by phone no later than six weeks after the application deadline (this may be adjusted exclusively at the discretion of the interviewer).
What is the process after I apply?
Once you apply, the Auditor’s office will forward your application to the appropriate Property Tax Assistance Program Committee member. They will then contact you to verify and supplement your application. You will also be sent a worksheet including all the information the interviewer will request. You should gather all monthly bills, benefits program information, and any other documentation of income and expenses for all household members in preparation for the interview. Once the needed information has been provided, your information will be forwarded to the PTAP Committee for review. All applicants will be notified of PTAP Committee decisions by email or postal mail.
Who decides if I get an award?
The PTAP Committee is made up of professionals across community agencies and county offices. The decision to approve or deny assistance is made by a majority vote of the PTAP Committee based on available funds, applicant meeting all requirements, nature of the need, and applicant’s ability to pay taxes in the future.
The Franklin County Property Tax Assistance Program is made up of the following partner organizations:
- Franklin County Office on Aging
- Franklin County Treasurer
- Franklin County Auditor
- Franklin County Veterans Services
- Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging
- Catholic Social Services
- Concord Counseling Services
- Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resource Center
- St. Stephen's Community House
- Syntero
- Age Friendly Columbus and Franklin County